In Memoriam
The names below include those who have passed (based on our database records) in the last 10 years, but whose names have not appeared in a previous Hardrock magazine. Please contact us if you know of any errors in this list. Going forward, it will be helpful if you share information about the passing of alumni you may know. The names below were received between May 16, 2022, and December 15, 2022, and are listed alphabetically by year of graduation..
Harlan Meyer (CE 44) 9/26/22
[100 years old on 9/7/22)]
Miles Nelson (EE 47) 6/5/17
Marv Hanen (EE 48) 10/24/22
Neil Jackson (EE 49) 6/28/22
Richard Wiggin (GeolE 49) 11/23/22
Don Bisson (EE 51) 6/22
Bob Hayes (MinE 51) 7/14/22
Michael Owens (GeolE 51) 6/9/22
John Anderson (GenE 53) 5/23/22
Roger Baird (EE 53) 7/14/22
Bill Yates (EE 53) 5/25/22
Bob Humphrey (GenE 54) 6/27/22
Kenneth Parsons (ME 55) 11/28/22
George McCaskey (MetE 56) 8/18/22
Royce Miller (ChE 56) 10/13/22
Richard Washburn (GeolE 56) 11/26/20
Lynn Wilder (ME 56) 7/11/22
Jim Erickson (CE 58) 11/2/22
Roger Ollenburg (ME 58) 9/22
Lanny Outlaw (GenE 58) 9/22/22
Dallas Sass (EE 58) 9/8/22
James McBride (CE 59) 1/1/22
Carolyn Mohn (Chem 60) 5/20/22
Arvin Hernes (MS Phys 61) 7/5/22
Robert Orelind (ME 61) 1/31/22
Calvin Anderson (Math 62) 9/20/22
Donald Matson (ChE 62) 5/5/22
Bob Pritchett (GeolE 62) 5/3/22
Vance Stewart (ME 62) 2/5/22
John Christol (EE 63) 2/25/22
Steve Lenards (EE 63) 5/13/22
Harlan Rosin (ME 63) 5/21/22
Gordon Lakso (MetE 64) 3/13/22
Mike Doyle (ME 65) 8/22/22
Courtney Hann (MetE 65) 7/9/22
William Havens (ChE 65) 5/31/22
Dennis Pfitzer (ME 65) 10/31/22
Marty Amble (CE 68) 8/2/22
Dave Zimmerhakl (Chem 68) 10/8/22
Tony Eben (EE 69) 11/9/22
John Etienne (ChE 69) 6/22/22
William Anderson (ME 70) 5/21/22
Dennis Landguth (CE 70) 9/4/22
Randy Erickson (EE 71) 6/16/22
Randall Graff (Math 73) 12/10/22
David Grosek (MinE 74) 8/6/21
Terry Lewton (CE 74) 7/22/22
Robert D. West (CE 75) 6/20/22
Ross Atkinson (MS Geol 76) 7/1/18
Donald Stroup (GeolE 82) 7/16/22
Randy Saunders (EE 83) 10/23/22
Pam [Hobart] Knoll (GeolE 84) 10/14/22
Lane Snell (ChE 85) 9/22/22
Gene Ensor (ME 92) 8/24/22
Brian Koster (ME 94) 3/13/22
Jeffrey Nesheim (ME 94) 8/29/22
Ronnie Snyder (EE/CSc 94) 10/2/22
Jennifer Giacometto (IS 95) 10/4/22
Kaleb Tuffour (GeolE 12) 3/17/22
Former Faculty/Staff:
Marshall Burgess (Business Office) 9/19/22
John Dreyer (Hum/SS Faculty) 7/9/22